When the inspiration met the dreamer- Rupi x Armaan .
When I woke up to an email from Rupi’s team with an invitation to meet her in Long Beach, I couldn’t believe it. I painted this piece a year ago, purely inspired by her work and her journey. But I never thought I would get to meet her, present the painting to her, watch her sign it while her team applauded around us AND get to personally give some apparel I’ve designed featuring this art.
What a remarkable show it was, had goosebumps as so much of her work resonated with my story as a son of brown immigrants, a brother to an amazing elder sister, and a man amongst all who need to listen to this perspective that commands respect. As soon as the ending piece, Broken English, concluded, I was on my feet. It was so powerful. Thank you Rupi and amazing team for being so generous with your time. Can’t wait for the 3rd book and the next tour 🔥
Thank you ALL for making this happen, esp all of Rupi’s friends for “blowing up her phone with this” haha Let’s keep growing together 🙏🏼